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About Oaks&Co.

The Oaks&Co Dog Training Centre is located in an area of outstanding natural beauty, in the heart of the Dromara Hills of Northern Ireland. Here, as well as in your home, we offer the most advanced and unique dog training experience in the country, specialising in the rehabilitation of dogs that other trainers may have classed as a lost cause, using our wealth of knowledge and over 20 years of experience to tailor a training program that is bespoke to you, your dog and your lifestyle, to ensure you both have a strong bond, excellent understanding of each other to achieve success and a long lasting happiness together.


All our training comes with unrivalled support for the lifetime of your dog and our aim is to make sure that you develop an enjoyable, frustration free relationship with your canine companion, regardless of breed or age.


Most of our clients come to us through word of mouth, vet and dog rescue organisation refferals or because a previous client wants to welcome another dog into their lives while ensuring a smooth transition to home life with their other animals, family and way of life.

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Meet The Team


Suzi Houston - Head Trainer

Suzi's passion for all things animal began at an early age, milking cows on a family friend's dairy farm and assisting with the upkeep and training of their horses. Her dog training career started in 2001, at the age of twenty when she was working on an organic farm in Kent and took a keen interest in the manager's working Border Collie sheepdogs. Taken under the wing of Wilf Missing, she was educated in all aspects of sheepdog training and behavioural modification to achieve rock solid and reliable working dogs that were keen but gentle with the livestock. After returning home to Northern Ireland in 2008 she undertook an intensive dog training course with an ex-army dog trainer who taught her how to better read a dog's body language, assess problems, develop training plans and implement techniques that create well rounded, happy dogs whether they be workers or family pets. Since then, she has and continues to undertake a multitude of further training programmes to ensure she is up to date in every relevent approach to dog training and is qualified in:


IOA Canine Behaviour and Training

IOA Animal Psychology

IOA Animal Physical Therapy

Neil Houston - Trainer

Neil has been with Suzi since the beginning of her and some years before, officially joining the buisness in 2010 after being made redundant during the global recession after a career in hospitality and advertising. He has been extensively trained by Suzi in all aspects of dog training, handling and has developed and almost obsessive interest in canine nutrition. He is Suzi's right hand man and is regularly by her side during training jobs to act in a handler capacity. Like Suzi, he continues to further his skills through training programmes and under her direction.

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